What's New at Windermere?

The Latest Dirt
Starting Seeds Indoors 375 500 windermere

Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting Seeds Indoors Spring is officially here the snow is starting to melt (slowly), some of your perennials and shrubs…

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Pruning Your Fruit Trees 1701 1129 windermere

Pruning Your Fruit Trees

Pruning Your Fruit Trees Why is it important to prune your fruit tree? Regular pruning started the first year the…

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Air Purifying House Plants 1280 722 windermere

Air Purifying House Plants

Air Purifying House Plants Most people spend more than 90% of their day indoors, this means the quality of air…

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Let’s Talk About: Basil 374 243 windermere

Let’s Talk About: Basil

Basil A member of the mint family, basil is one of the earliest known herbs and has been cultivated for…

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